Mapping your soul-guided creative projects & businesses


5:00pm PST / 8:00pm EST
3 Hours



This seasonal ritual is an opportunity to expand your relationship to your creative and professional pursuits, using the currents of the Akasha to guide you into new, expanded and unseen avenues. A ritual, so you may create a more fulfilling relationship to the creations, entities and beauty you are bringing into the world.

Your creations are alive, with a life force all their own and this is an opportunity to explore how you are both the designer and the witness of your creations — of your work. And as you connect to your inspired Akashic vision, you will see how your creation and/or business entity, desire to be expressed at this time. What strategies and structures can be implemented and what opportunities and partnerships are available for you. You will identify the potent energy available to you and how you can best resource it to elevate your projects, business and creative endeavors.

You will do this by moving through my empowerment mapping practice — mapping the season of your creations, businesses and ideas.

In this ritual, you will have the opportunity to clear any energetic blocks and/or beliefs, establish updated boundaries, and nourish the resonance of your work and creations.

Aligning your inner and outer vision to create energetic congruence. We will then move into an initiation where you will infuse your creative pursuits, businesses and projects with intention, clarity and fresh pathways of expression while igniting balanced magnetism.


Move away from exhaustive to-do lists, “should” and “should not” thinking, imposter syndrome, false starts, intimidation of your own expression and personal power. Instead, tap directly into the unique soul force of the creations you are bringing through, even if it is simply an idea and step into creator/alchemist energy.

This is an invocation. A celebration. A ritual. A cyclical relationship that you are defining as you partner with your creative pursuits, your inner and external missions, your diverse callings. This offering is designed to bring insight, expansion and clarity for all that are driven to express their voice and vision in this world.

This offering is designed for those who work for themselves and those who partner with others, those who are in career transitions and those who are birthing dreams into reality. Creatives and creators of all types and at all stages.


Inside the Workshop

✹ MAP: the season your business/creative project is moving through

✹ CLEAR: energetic blocks and refresh the alignment of energy

✹ INITIATE: inspired vision and how your entity will be expressed in the world

✹ You will open your own Akashic Records and move through a guided ritual

✹ Community witnessing and questions

Workbook with Workshop


Additional Things to Know

⟶ The Exchange is $44

This is a *remote* workshop and will be conducted on Zoom

Access to the recording will be made available for 7 days post workshop

This is suited for all levels of Akashic intuitives

Often times during community witnessing and sharing, we will run over the hour mark — these 30 minutes are optional.



COMMUNITY SEATS eligible for historically marginalized people (Black, Indigenous, People of Color, (BIPOC), Lesbian, Trans, Queer, Intersex folks, and people with physical disabilities) — Email for more info

To sponsor a community seat please email me.


Your Guide

I’m TAYLOR OF AKASHIC LIGHT and I am captivated by the Akashic Records. It is an ever-expansive, ever-evolving fascination with the Akasha. I am a fully Certified Advanced Akashic Records Practitioner, in practice for 8 years. I have trained and studied with Akashic Records experts and have worked with thousand+ of clients one on one. I have hosted workshops, classes, retreats and sacred circles and with a background in film and design, the pulse of creativity heavily influences my offerings.

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Revive : an akashic journey


Guided by the Akasha